Fresh off her debut performance of “Team” on “The Tonight Show,” Iggy Azalea gets candid about a slew of topics, ranging from a Kendrick Lamar connection to her upcoming wedding to Nick Young. During the interview with Big Boy on L.A. radio station Real 92.3, the Aussie rapper also dishes on how her sophomore album Digital Distortion will differ from her debut.

The New Classic was a dope album, but it was kind of full of singles and maybe not as good as a body of work,” explained Azalea. “In terms of a storyline or concept, it was lacking that. I wanted to make sure to have that on my sophomore album and I feel like I achieved that.”

During the convo, she was also asked about old tweets that have come back to haunt her, including a post about Mexican accents.

“I think that, unfortunately, especially when you’re younger, you just say crap and you don’t realize the undertones of it and how it can be hurtful to someone,” she said.

Check out the interview and see more highlights from the hour-long interview below.

On racist tweets: “There are things that I’ve said that are stupid. And everything that I’ve ever said, I’ve owned up to it and said, ‘My bad. That was a sucky thing to say. That wasn’t something that I thought about, and how it could be hurtful. I wish I didn’t say that.’ And then there’s also a lot of stuff that I’ve never even said. It just takes a life of its own.”

On her future cousin-in-law Kendrick Lamar: “I’m not sure if he’ll go [to the wedding] or not, but he’s definitely invited. Nick and Kendrick are cousins, first cousins. His mom and Nick’s mom are pretty close. They’ve gotten closer in the last year.”

On her bond with Kendrick: “Kendrick’s always been supportive. When I see him, he’s always like, ‘What’s up, cousin?’ I’m like, ‘We’re not cousins yet, but cool, I’ll take this.’ I haven’t asked him for any advice, but Kendrick and I have actually had a lot of conversations before I even was dating Nick because we used to do the festival circuits in Europe.”

On Macklemore’s “White Privilege II”: “Lyric-wise, I totally get the perspective of what he was trying to do. He was trying to be the voice of somebody else speaking to him. So, I understand that. I don’t take it like Macklemore’s trying to come at me. I wish he had warned me, just wish he had called.”

On her current relationship with Macklemore: “I don’t hate Macklemore now because of that. Men aren’t subjected to click-bait saga as much as women are so maybe that was part of him that didn’t realize that mentioning me in passing would turn into a whole explosion. It’s a shame. He had a cool message but I don’t think it needed to be about me. I didn’t want it to be about me and I don’t think Macklemore was trying to make it about me. It was about something else.”

On T.I.: “Me and T.I. are friends. He’s cool. People misconstrued that when he said he was taking a step back…It’s not that. We still do business together. I’m signed to his publishing company and that’s not gonna change. I love Tip. I know I can call Tip and he’ll get whatever it is I’m asking for.”

On Nicki Minaj: “We don’t have a relationship. I don’t know her. I walked passed her one time and said, ‘Congratulations.’ She was like, ‘Thank you. I appreciate it.’ It’s on film. You could see it….I don’t know. I think she makes cool music. Good for her. That’s it, really.”

On wedding planning: “It’s going good. I’ve got my dress getting made. That’s the funnest part. I’m not gonna say it’s the only fun part, but it’s the funnest.”

On her wedding dress: “It’s different for me because I’m having Armani design my dress. It’s really cool but it’s kind of scary. You don’t get to try it on beforehand.”

On wedding invitees: “I only have 22 people that I want to invite and Nick has like 120 people. His list is really long.”