Nipsey Hussle’s passing will forever be a challenging topic for Hip Hop fans to discuss. The well-respected emcee and entrepreneur was highly regarded due to his business acumen, engaging perspective, and ability to create music with substance.

Recently, his brother, Blacc Sam, had a rare long-form interview detailing Hussle’s last moments, how he was able to arrange his funeral, and how he feels about his passing. The emotional interview led fans to share their perspective on the matter.

During the conversation, Blacc Sam expressed that he had issues finding the right venue to hold the funeral before LeBron James and Karen Civil stepped in to help them lock in Arena, formerly the Staples Center. The city essentially closed to house his friends, family, and fans for the beloved Crenshaw-bred rapper.

When discussing the moments leading up to his brother’s tragic murder, he expressed that he believed that the murder was premeditated. He also shot down the rumors that Hussle and Eric Holder had a disagreement prior to the shooting. Blacc Sam shared that he believes specific protocols were not followed that day.

One fan responded to the interview exclaiming, “Watching this Blacc Sam interview is heartbreaking cause you can hear the pain in his voice as he talks about the day Nipsey Hussle passed and the guilt he feels for not being there to make sure everyone was on point.” Another user explained, That Blacc Sam’s interview was very revealing if you know what to listen for….at the end of the day niggaz did Nip dirty!! His Crew vs. their Crew….smh.”

In 2023, The Associated Press stated, “A Los Angeles judge on Wednesday sentenced the man convicted of gunning down Nipsey Hussle to 60 years to life in prison after hearing testaments to the immense cost of the killing of the hip-hop star and neighborhood leader, and of the lifetime of mental illness, abuse and struggle of the man who shot him.”

Watch the interview below!