Mia Jaye, the partner of the late Young Dolph, voiced her frustration with the handling of the investigation into his death.

In an interview with Rolling Stone on the two-year anniversary of the Memphis rapper’s killing, Jaye expressed her discontent with the authorities’ communication. “I’m fed up. It’s been two years’ worth of conspiracies. Two years’ worth of unknowing. Two years’ worth of people not properly communicating to you,” she stated. The mother of two explained her previous silence, hoping it would aid the investigation, but now feels that approach has led to her concerns being overlooked.

Jaye’s frustration escalated when she discovered through the media, not prosecutors, that the judge in the case was removed by the Tennessee appeals court in October. She described the lack of direct communication as a disregard for the family, insisting they should receive information first.

Subsequently, Jaye urged her social media followers to write to Memphis Police, Shelby County prosecutors and federal officials, demanding the answers that Dolph, who was fatally shot in November 2021, deserves.

Her decision to speak up stemmed from a deep sense of responsibility to ensure justice for Dolph. “If I continue to be silent, it might get to the place where all of my grievances will have to be acknowledged in an appeal process. That can’t happen. We’ve got to be assertive in this situation,” she said. “We have to make sure we tackle issues as they come, and not turn a blind eye and then try to go back later to keep fighting this thing.”

Jaye continued, “I’m taking this very personally. They specifically said, ‘There aren’t enough resources to explore that.’ They really want to take it as [a] coincidence. In my heart of hearts, I don’t believe that’s a coincidence. How many other things are they dismissing?”