Cardi B is clapping back at her critics.

In response to those who say she isn’t black, the “Press” rapper took to Instagram to educate them about her ethnicity. While going live on Tuesday (June 25), she explained that she speaks Spanish because she is West Indian and Dominican.

“A lot of people are dumb so they don’t really know the difference,” said the 26-year-old MC. “A lot of people don’t know the difference between nationality, race, ethnicity, and that’s not nobody’s fault. That’s actually the school’s fault because schools don’t be teaching this shit to people.”

She often gets mistaken for Mexican because she speaks Spanish. “I’m not Mexican at all. First of all, I’m West Indian and I’m Dominican. I speak Spanish because I’m Dominican,” she explained. “So what’s the difference between Dominican and Mexican? It’s like everything, like everything! Everything!”

She continued, “I feel like people need to really understand because people don’t be understanding shit. It’s like, ‘Cardi’s Latin, she’s not black.’ And it’s like, ‘Bro, my features don’t come from fu**ing white people fu**ing, OK?’ And they always wanna race-bait when it comes to me. That’s why I have Afro features. ‘Oh, but your parents are light-skinned.’ Alright, but my grandparents aren’t.”

Just because she speaks Spanish, it doesn’t make her less black. “It’s crazy because some island women, some artists that are from the same islands as me, people will be like, ‘Oh they’re black,'” she said. “But because Cardi speaks Spanish to people, she’s not black, even though we have similar features, same skin complexion. But no, they wanna not put Cardi in it because I speak Spanish.”

Watch Cardi address her race below.