Now that she’s canceled her tour, Iggy Azalea has more time to prepare for her upcoming wedding. The “Fancy” rapper, who recently got engaged to Lakers star Nick Young, went shopping for wedding dresses with “Late Late Show” host James Corden. Iggy was beaming as she tried on a white gown and veil, but James didn’t look nearly as good in his dress.

In between their bridal shop visit, the future Mrs. Young joined James for some carpool karaoke while cruising the streets of L.A. With James behind the wheel, the two dueted on Iggy’s biggest hits including “Fancy,” “Black Widow,” and her latest collaboration with Britney Spears, “Pretty Girls.” James spits Iggy’s verses, while she held down the dance moves.

She also spoke about the origins of her name and her preference for “skinny, tall guys.” “I’m marrying one,” she said.

In addition to planning for her wedding, Iggy is back in the studio with producers D.R.U.G.S. working on the follow-up to her 2014 debut The New Classic.