Whitney Houston’s mother is speaking out for the first time since her daughter’s death in February. Cissy Houston shared her love, grief, and anger with Newark’s My9 TV at New Hope Baptist Church, the same place where her daughter’s funeral was held just weeks earlier.
“I’m OK. I have my moments. I’m not there yet,” said the grieving mother. “I don’t think I’m any more courageous than anyone else. I haven’t gotten angry yet. I don’t like getting angry.”
The 78-year-old singer doesn’t blame herself or anyone for the demons Whitney battled in life. “I know I did the best I could. I don’t blame myself, I know I did the best I could for everything.”
She refused to speak about the night Whitney died or how she found out, but did express her anger at the media for their portrayal of her daughter. “These people don’t know anything about her,” said Cissy. “All they know is what they hear, bad things. She’s had her ups and downs. Who hasn’t?”
She was, however, comforted by the outpouring of love and support. “Everyone has been so wonderful. I want to thank all the people who sent cards, checks, from all over the world,” she said. “It was wonderful. All those people—white, black—made me feel very good.”
Cissy and the Houston family will perform a special tribute to Whitney at McDonald’s Gospelfest 2012 at the Prudential Center in Newark on May 12.