Hustler Claims to Have Rihanna-J. Cole Sex Tape [Update]

Rihanna and J. Cole

Rihanna and J. Cole got intimate with fans across the country on this year’s “LOUD” tour, but did they have their own relationship offstage? Porn company Hustler is claiming that they are in possession of a sex tape with the two stars.

The adult film company tells that there is an “intimate video” of the two in their possession. “Hustler is in possession of the Rihanna and J. Cole tape,” said a rep for Hustler. “We have seen it and we do not know what we are going to do with it yet.”

Despite Hustler’s claim, a source close to Rihanna denies that such a tape exists. “Rihanna is surprised because there is no sex tape,” the source tells the website.

In addition to touring together, Rihanna recently joined her fellow Roc Nation artist on set of his video for “Can’t Get Enough” in Barbados.

UPDATE: Rihanna has denied the existence of the sex tape, tweeting, “We don’t believe U, U need more people…AND ofcourse an actual sextape! #slownewsday.”