Nearly two years since her debut Dirty Gold, Angel Haze goes Back to the Woods on her new project. Over the last few weeks she’s debuted several selections, ranging from ferocious rap songs like “Babe Ruthless” to more R&B-influenced material like “Moonrise Kingdom.”

The 13 tracks are as diverse as the singles implied—working exclusively with producer Tk Kayembe, Angel has provided compelling evidence for her wide range.

In an interview with Billboard, she describes Woods in emotional terms. “When I started to make the record, I was really lost, whether that was emotionally, mentally, spiritually—everything was gone,” she says. “When Tk and I did it, we would sit down because I’d be crying or I’d just done a million drugs and was going crazy and saying, ‘I need to express myself, I need to say this.'”

Stream Back to the Woods below.