Chris Brown and Odd Future's Tyler, the Creator Face Off on Twitter

Chris Brown and Tyler, the Creator

The Miami Heat and the Dallas Mavericks weren’t the only ones squaring off on Thursday night. Chris Brown and Tyler, the Creator infiltrated Twitter timelines with a heated exchange of words.

“All this demonic music is wack as shit!” wrote Chris earlier in the day. “I never claim to be no saint but by no means am I trying to promote death, violence,and destruction with my music!”

It wasn’t long before his followers began guessing who he was talking about. Some assumed it was former girlfriend Rihanna after her controversial “Man Down” video, but Breezy insisted otherwise, writing, “And for all the idiots in the audience this convo wasn’t for @rihanna.”

Odd Future frontman Tyler, the Creator jumped in thinking the subliminal shots were aimed at him. “Why Is Chris Brown Talking So Much Shit About Metallica? Weird,” he tweeted before cracking jokes about Chris’ blond hair. “Ni**a Look Like A Box Of Pops.”

The “She Ain’t You” singer fired back at Tyler and his fellow OFWGKTA member Hodgy Beats, writing, “Never mentioned @fucktyler or any of them Ni**as! General statement and your hype man hodgy caught feelings! #niggasthatfeelguilty.”

But despite their war of words, Tyler maintains there is no beef. “Its No Beef Between Me And @chrisbrown . I Really Like That Fucking Song Tho [‘Look at Me Now’], No Being Sarcastic,” he said before throwing in one last jab. “@chrisbrown Do You Like Soup? Cause You’re Acting Like It.”

Read their lengthy series of tweets below.