Watch Boosie Badazz Learn to Ice Skate

Boosie Badazz is no stranger to ice, but he isn’t as proficient with ice skates. Recently, the Baton Rouge rhymer revealed this challenge during a hilarious documentation of a night out with his family.

“Ice skating with the kids,” he said in an Instagram video. “Shit’s the hardest shit I’ve ever done in my life.”

To start out the night, Boosie tried to learn the ropes with a skating aid. Smiling and gliding, BooPac started to get the hang of the process, though he nearly ran over a kid on the ice.\\_/

Once he put the skating aid to the side, Boosie went all out. Nearly jogging and stomping around, Badazz relied on swinging his arms wildly to get across the ice without any help.

Eventually, the “Wipe Me Down” star seemed to find his groove. However unconventional, Badazz celebrated his skating with a triumphant yell. “I can do anything,” he screamed. “I can do anything!”

Boosie had a similar outing last year, when he learned how to snowboard. “I’m a gangsta,” he yelled while falling on the snow, before getting back up and trying again.

Perhaps Boosie won’t be quitting his day job as an MC. Last month, he released BooPac, an album that was inspired by Tupac Shakur.