Kelly Rowland’s girl group, June’s Diary, made their red carpet debut at Sunday’s BET Awards. The “Chasing Destiny” stars, who announced their official name last week, also took the opportunity to premiere the video for their debut single “L.A.N.C.E.”

The Constellation Jones-directed clip finds Ashly, Brienna, Gabrielle, Shyann, and Kristal confronting a slick-talking guy, who tries to spit game. In turn, the ladies respond by playing their sassy single, which stands for “lying ass ni**a cheating everyday.”

During a recent Facebook Live Q&A, they revealed the inspiration behind their new name. “Even though we were put together in February, June is the month that we spiritually connected as a group,” said Kristal. “A lot of great things happened for us in the month of June. We were just having a talk last week, that something just clicked. Something just happened between us, and we were just like ‘Wow.'”

Watch them flex their girl power in the video below.