Brandy and Monica Visit 'Sway in the Morning'

Monica, Devi Dev, Brandy, and Sway

During their whirlwind promo tour last week, Brandy and Monica stopped by “Sway in the Morning” on SiriusXM for a quick chat. The ladies once again explained how their duet “It All Belongs to Me” came together and opened up about their own lives.

Brandy shared her excitement about being back on TV on “The Game,” growing up in the spotlight, and touring with Monica later this year. After some coaxing from Sway, she started singing her 1995 single “Sittin’ Up in My Room,” but couldn’t remember all the words.

Monica, whose New Life album drops April 10, gushed about her husband, Phoenix Suns star Shannon Brown, and married life in Arizona. Also check out the big rock that her hubby gave her.