Drake's Debut Album Gets Release Date


It’s official. The most anticipated hip-hop album of the year finally has a release date.

Drake’s debut Thank Me Later will arrive on May 25, staging-rapup.kinsta.cloud has learned. The Canadian singer-rapper has been in the studio with a who’s who list of collaborators including Jay-Z (“Light Up”), Kanye West, The-Dream (“Shut It Down”), Sean Garrett, and Boi-1da, who produced the first single “Over.”

The project, originally scheduled for an early spring release, has taken a little longer than expected as Drizzy strives for perfection. “This is my first album and it takes a lot for me to commit to a song and be like, ‘I like this enough that I’m gonna put it on the album,'” he told staging-rapup.kinsta.cloud. “It’s gotta be something that I feel is timeless and is better than anything that I’ve ever done.”

Drake will travel across the country performing material from the album on his first headlining trek, “The Away From Home Tour,” kicking off April 5 at Slippery Rock University in Pennsylvania, and wrapping in Houston on May 20, a few days before the record’s release.

“Over” is currently No. 17 on the Billboard Hot 100, while a video for the song, directed by Anthony Mandler, is set to debut in the coming weeks.