Nicki Minaj to Launch 'Massive' First Single

Nicki Minaj

Now that Drake has announced his first single, Young Money’s First Lady is next to bat. Nicki Minaj has revealed details about her debut single, which is sure to make a big bang.

In an interview with, Lil Wayne’s protégée answered the question we’ve all been asking: What will be the lead single from her hotly-anticipated debut album? “The first single is called ‘Massive Attack.’ Sean Garrett produced that,” she said.

Garrett, who enlisted the hip-hop Barbie for his own single “Get It All,” dropped a few additional details about the song, which was produced by him and Alex Da Kid. “I just did Nicki’s first single featuring me. It’s gonna be a fucking bomb,” he shared. “It’s very, very explosive! It’s a club banger. It’s a lot broader than what people would expect her to come with. The record puts her in the game in a way that says she should’ve been here a long time ago.”

The songwriter behind Beyoncé’s “Diva” and Fergie’s “London Bridge” discussed how the collaboration came together. “I didn’t know but Nicki said that she had been a humongous fan of mine and that I’m the one producer she always wanted to work with. What was so crazy to me is that I was a big fan of hers,” he explained.

“When it comes to female artists, everyone knows my favorite artist in the world to work with is Beyoncé. My favorite new artist to work with was, of course, Nicki Minaj, just because she was so different and she wasn’t really trying to do the same shit that everybody else was doing. I had the same love and respect for her that she had for me, but neither one of us knew it.”

As for when the femme fatale will launch her “Attack”? “It’ll be out very soon. I don’t have an exact date, but it will drop right on time,” said Minaj, while Garrett added, “She has a real way of how she wants to do this. It’s just gonna be a surprise when it comes. She just wants to make it as huge as possible.”

Plans are already underway to shoot the accompanying visuals. “We’re actually shooting the video within a week,” she disclosed. “I can’t wait for you guys to see it.”

–D.L. with reporting by Georgette Cline